Monday, April 9, 2012

Recommended: The Leap Frog Leap Pad

Personalized learning tablet just for kids. 100 plus games, apps, digital books, videos and flash cards. Includes built-in camera and video recorder, 5 inch touch screen and 4 apps with 2 GB of memory.

The Leap Pad is designed for kids ages 4-9. It has the following things for your child to do:
  • Take pictures and videos
  • Read eBooks
  • Educational games / apps
Games and apps are available for purchase but there is no wireless capability included, so they must be transfered from a PC or Macintosh.

Built in apps and other features include:
  • Disney Animation Studio
  • An app allowing children to develop their own stories with pictures.
  • The Leap Pad is compatible with previous cartridges from Leapster Explorer.
  • Inputs include touch screen, stylus, turning pages and even shaking!
  • Games automatically calibrate thier difficulty level to the child's age and skill level.